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A List Of Term Paper Writing Ideas On Ethics - Great Suggestions

Deciding on a topic for your upcoming term paper may seem like a job in itself. You can write it on just about anything but if you don’t choose a good topic, you may find that it is a lot harder to write. For example, say you choose a topic that doesn’t really have enough information on it to sustain a paper of this caliber. You will be sitting there struggling to find sources or struggling to stretch the information to fit your paper. If this is the case, you probably need to broaden your scope a little.

Writing a paper on Ethics is easier when you write it on a topic that interests you or one that you feel vested in. for example, maybe you feel very strongly against abortion. You will likely write a solid paper on this topic because of your beliefs. You want to give the issue proper respect. Remember this while you are choosing your topic. Here are some good ones to get you thinking.

  1. Welfare programs
  2. Alcohol and drug addictions
  3. Abortion
  4. Suicide
  5. Bullying
  6. Parenting
  7. Animal testing
  8. Animal cruelty
  9. Adoption
  10. Euthanasia

Choose one that you feel strongly about and then begin to develop your thesis statement by doing some preliminary research. You will want to develop a focus for your paper in relation to the topic that you choose. This is what your paper will be about.

Once you have your focus, you need to plan your paper out. You can do this by creating an outline that states all of the main facts that you want to include in your paper. You should do this in complete sentences so that it saves time later on. It may also be a good idea to add linking words or phrases that show the transition from one topic to the next at this stage.

Be sure to have someone read through your draft and help you with the editing process to make sure that you have found all of the mistakes and addressed them. There is no reason to lose points for small errors. Trade with a classmate and you can look over their paper while they look over yours.

2007 - 2024 Last updated: May 05, 2024