The developers of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS have announced schedul serr maintenancon Nomb 20. T maintena will beg at 0:00 UTCnd is expect

The developers of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS have announced scheduled server maintenance on November 20. The maintenance will begin at 0:00 UTC and is expected to last approximately four hours. The announcement was shared via the official PUBG support account on X.

The developers of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS have announced scheduled server maintenance on November 20. The maintenance will begin at 0:00 UTC and is expected to last approximately four hours. The announcement was shared via the official PUBG support account on X.

Live servers will enter server maintenance for approx. 4 hours starting November 20th 00:00 UTC / 9:00am KST.

In related news, the developers recentlyreleaseda cryptic teaser referencing Project Chaos, sparking speculation among the community.

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